Writings and news
Writings and news
Kate MacKay of the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health very kindly interviewed me in February 2022, as part of the Sydney Health Ethics Research Podcast series.
The book Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives on Intersex edited by Megan Walker, has been published by Palgrave Macmillan in January 2022. Find preprints of my chapters here.
New health and wellbeing resources on LGBTIQA+ health and intersex health, developed for General Practice Supervisors Australia in collaboration with Dr Ruth McNair AM, Dr Asiel Adan Sanchez, Dr Clara Tuck Meng Soo, and Dr Mark Hughes.
Congratulations to the Australian Human Rights Commission for this report, published in October 2021, on protecting the health and human rights of people born with variations of sex characteristics.
This is Morgan Carpenter’s keynote presentation delivered at the Intersex 2021 conference at Dublin City University on 21 April 2021. It was recorded ahead of time and delivered on the first morning of the conference.
The peer-reviewed journal Culture, Health and Sexuality has published a co-authored paper that introduces a special issue on intersex studies, and the interdisciplinary field of intersex studies.