
Public speeches and presentations.
Page last reviewed 23 June 2024

INIA Conference, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Febriuary 2024

INIA Conference, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Febriuary 2024

This page summarises selected keynotes, panel discussions and other events where I’ve presented. Text, audio, video and/or translations are available where noted. Please get in touch if you’d like me to speak at your conference or other event.

Events in 2024

  • Workshop on “Models of care for people with innate variations of sex characteristics (intersex variations/differences of sex development/ IVSC)” at the national LGBTIQ+ Health in Difference Conference, with Bonnie Hart. Ngunnawal and Ngambri land. Canberra. 9 April 2024.
  • Opening plenary of the national LGBTIQ+ Health in Difference Conference: “Charting the Future: The Development of Australia’s First LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing 10 Year National Action Plan“, with Professor Adam Bourne, Dr Clara Tuck Meng Soo, David Casey, Nicky Bath and Carolyn Gillespie. Ngunnawal and Ngambri land. Canberra. 9 April 2024.
  • "The Future of Intersex Rights", at the City Hall of Brussels, Grand-Place, Brussels, Belgium. 1 February 2024.

    “The Future of Intersex Rights”, at the City Hall of Brussels, Grand-Place, Brussels, Belgium. 1 February 2024.

  • Event on “The Future of Intersex Rights“, with Marie-Colline Leroy, Silvan Agius, Graeme Reid, Lydia Mutyebele Ngoi, David Paternotte, Dan Ghattas, Gabriella Calleja, Surya Monro, and Michael Van Gelderen. City Hall of Brussels, Belgium. 1 February 2024. More information.
  • Presentation on “Shaping bodies and shaping narratives: epistemic injustice and the responses of medicine and bioethics to intersex human rights demands“. Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. 31 January 2024.
  • Discussant, Opening event of the INIA conference “Expanding Intersex Studies“, with Mauro Cabral Grinspan. Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. 31 January 2024. More information.

Events in 2023

  • Presentation on IHRA’s Draft Theory of Change, at the Intersex Peer Support Australia retreat, “My Life, Our Future”. Ngunnawal Country. Tharwa, Canberra. 18 November 2023.
  • Dix ans après : Déclaration de Malte et drapeau intersexe, interview by Audrey Aegerter for the Réseau francophone de recherche sur l’intersexuation (French language intersex research network). Online. 8 November 2023.
  • So what does it mean to have an intersex variation? speech at the Sexology in Practice Symposium, Society of Australian Sexologists. Gunditjmara Country. Glenelg, South Australia. 28 October 2023.
  • State Department tour by global intersex experts: a week of events as part of an invited trip to Washington, DC, in September 2023. With Kimberly Zieselman, Julius Kaggwa, Magda Rakita, Esan Regmi and Natasha Jimenez Mata. September 2023.
  • Equal Rights Coalition Webinar: Eliminating Harmful Practices against and Promoting Human Rights Protection of Intersex People – Human Rights Standards and Good Practice, organised by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Intersex Human Rights Australia with support from LSVD. Speaker, with Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, Dr Ina-Marie Blomeyer, Mauro Cabral Grinspan, Dr Kári Hólmar Ragnarsson, Dr Rosalind Croucher and Crystal Hendricks. 12 September 2023. Online. More information.
  • Launch of Better Lives booklets for Working It Out, Launceston General Hospital. kanamaluka Country. Launceston, Tasmania. 26 July 2023.
  • Intersex legal and psychosocial issues, with Bonnie Hart. Australian Medical Students’ Association national conference, 2023. Yugambeh Country. Gold Coast, Queensland. 6 July 2023.
  • Panellist on Bodily autonomy: a fundamental right, with Crystal Hendricks (Iranti), Zhan Chiam (Transgender Europe) and Julia Ehrt (ILGA World). Sydney WorldPride Human Rights Conference. Gadigal. 2 March 2023.
  • Moderator and panellist on Protecting the rights of intersex people in medical settings through law reform, with Australian Capital Territory Chief Minister Andrew Barr, Gabriel Filpi (IHRA), Rinio Simeonidou (Intersex Greece), and Ghassan Kassisieh (Equality Australia). Sydney WorldPride Human Rights Conference. Gadigal. 1 March 2023.
  • Panelist, with Sharon Preves and David Griffiths, for the international launch of the book Intersex Embodiment: Legal Frameworks Beyond Identity and Disorder by Fae Garland and Mitch Travis. Centring Intersex: Global and Local Dimensions international conference. 23 February 2023. Online.
  • Oral presentations on Constructions of intersex and DSD in Australian data, and Protecting the rights of people with innate variations of sex characteristics in medical settings: progress in Australia Centring Intersex: Global and Local Dimensions international conference. 22-23 February 2023. Online.
  • Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia Advocacy/Activist Panel, a session on community development and advocacy work in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Centring Intersex: Global and Local Dimensions international conference. 21 February 2023. Online.
  • Appearance before a hearing of the Senate Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare. 2023. Canberra: Hansard. Dungarimba, Bundjalung Country. East Lismore, 21 February 2023.

Events in 2022

  • Oral presentation on Protecting the rights of people with innate variations of sex characteristics (people with intersex traits/DSD) in medical settings at the 2022 conference of the Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law. 18 November, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
  • Presenter in The Road to Abortion Equity: How the Senate Inquiry shapes universal access, for MSI International, with Syahir Soffi, Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospitals; Dr Catriona Melville, MSI Australia; Delaram Ansari, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health; Ruth McNair AM, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia; Romy Listo, Women’s Health Matters; Swathy Santhakumar, Medical Student; Brenna Bernardino, Reproductive Justice Advocate. 9 November 2022. Online.
  • Chair of the Intersex Human Rights Australia webinar for Intersex Awareness Day 2022: Five years on from the Darlington Statement, with Bonnie Hart, Mani Mitchell and Jelly O’Shea. 26 October 2022. Video available online.
  • Invited expert to speak at a side event of the UN Human Rights Council’s 51st session, on ‘The right to health of intersex persons and protection from violence and harmful practices based on sex characteristics’, with the UN special rapporteur on the right to health Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, Michael van Gelderen, and Tikli Oikarinen. Geneva, Switzerland. 29 September 2022.
  • Panellist for the 2022 Miles Little Lecture at Sydney Health Ethics, responding to ‘”Well, it’s complicated”: disability bioethics, disability activism, and something approaching the truth’ by Professor Jackie Leach Scully. Professor Jennifer Smith-Merry and Dr Annmaree Watharow at the Centre for Disability Research and Policy were also panellists. The University of Sydney, Australia. 23 September 2022. Hybrid in-person/online event.
  • The Michael Kirby Seminar on ‘What Does it Mean to Respect, Protect and Fulfil the Human Rights of Intersex People in Australia?’ at the School of Law, University of New England, New South Wales, Australia. 21 July 2022. Online.
  • Panel presentation: ‘The Yogyakarta Principles and the Yogyakarta Principles plus 10: what’s worked and where to now?’ With Mauro Cabral Grinspan, Kimberley Vance-Mubanga, Arvind Narrain, and Tess Mcevoy. ILGA World conference in Los Angeles, California, USA. 6 May 2022.

Events in 2021

  • Presentation on intersex human rights, sexual orientation, gender identity and the Yogyakarta Principles, as part of a workshop on Intersex human rights and wellbeing at the 14th European Public Health Conference 2021, 10 November 2021. Online.
  • Ethique et Droit de l’intersexuation, with Benjamin Moron-Puech and Isabelle Rorive. Summer school session for Réseau francophone de recherche sur l’intersexuation (RéFRI). 25 August 2021. Online.
  • Intersex for healthcare practitioners: the medical model of intersex and the human rights response, as part of Intersex awareness and inclusion with clinical practices, with Bonnie Hart, for Northeast Health Wangaratta, Victoria (8 February 2021), Thorne Harbour Health, Victoria (3 June 2021), LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (7 June 2021), and Lifeline Darling Downs (3 August 2021). Online.
  • Speech for the Associação Brasileira de Intersexos (ABRAI) first course for doctors, Curso Intersexualidade Educação e(m) Saúde. Brazil. 10-11 May 2021. Online.
  • Panelist in the Impact 2021 webinar: sexual and reproductive health and rights for intersex people session with Julius Kaggwa, Esan Regmi and Eliana Rubashkyn. Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises. International. 22 April 2021. Online.
  • Keynote speaker, Intersex 2021: A Vision for the Future, at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. 21-22 April 2021 (deferred from November 2020). Online. Conference details Text of speech.
  • Panellist, Policy and data collection, wth Andrew Moore (Australian Bureau of Statistics/Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet) and Bridget Haire (Kirby Institute, UNSW). Health in Difference conference. Australia. 16 April 2021. Online.
  • Panelist in the session Challenging heteronormativity and care for LGBTQI, with Bernadette Manalo-Arcena MD, Emma Tumilty PhD and Pacifico Eric Calderon MD. St Lukes Medical Centre College of Medicine, Department of Professionalism, Medical Ethics, and Humanities. Philippines. 17 March 2021. Online.
  • The human rights of children with intersex variations and their family members, a presentation at the 3rd International E-Symposium on Healthcare Communication: “Advancing Frontiers of Health Communication Research, Education and Practice during the Pandemic”, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. 2 March 2021. Online.


Morgan Carpenter, Dr Agli Zavros-Orr and Gabriel Filpi speaking at an event to mark Intersex Awareness Day 2020 for The University of Sydney.

Events in 2020

  • Intersex ally training, with Bonnie Hart, for Queensland Council for LGBTI Health. Brisbane, Queensland. 12 December 2020.
  • Keynote speaker, United Nations Free & Equal Campaign conference, Brazil. 30 November 2020. Online.
  • Australian experiences of intersex human rights advocacy, a lecture at the first Intersex – New Interdisciplinary Approaches (INIA) research network event, 20 November 2020. Online.
  • Intersex in-depth for St Kilda Legal Service, Victoria. 9, 16 and 23 November. Online.
  • Panel session marking Intersex Awareness Day for the University of Sydney Pride network. 27 October 2020. Online. Event details. Video.
  • Presentation for the New South Wales Health ministry’s Agency for Clinical Innovation. 26 October 2020. Online.
  • Presentations for Northern Sydney Local Health District. 12 October 2020 and 4 November 2020. Online.
  • Intersex people and ‘intersex status’ in law, for the Investigation and Conciliation Service of the Australian Human Rights Commission. Online. 11 August 2020. Online.
  • “Intersexion: The Birth of Ambiguity” [sic], an online debate on The Grey Zone, Melbourne Medical Student Conference 2020, with Professors John Hutson, Sonia Grover and Clare Delany, University of Melbourne and Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. 23 June 2020. Online. Video and transcript
  • Intersex in-depth, one day training event on intersex health, human rights and more, for the National LGBTI Health Alliance. Sydney. 12 March 2020.
  • Panel speaker on How to be an intersex ally at Better Together 2020, Williamstown Town Hall, Melbourne. The panel was chaired by Tony Briffa, and I participated along with Bonnie Hart, Cody Smith and Eliana Rubashkyn. 10 January 2020.
  • Leading a one-day training presentation and discussion on Intersex advocacy. Darlington 3 community event, Williamstown Town Hall, Melbourne. 9 January 2020.

Events in 2019

  • Presentation on Using the Treaty Bodies for advancing rights for intersex persons and panel presentation on Domestic Legal Reform at the O.P. Jindal Global University, Delhi, India, as part of Rising through the Challenge: documenting and analysing best practices for advancing human rights related to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) using the tools of international law, domestic litigation, and apology/reparation. This event is organised by ARC International in partnership with the Centre for Health Law, Ethics and Technology at Jindal Global Law School. 9-12 December 2019.
  • Intersex, beyond a 101: key issues in law, medicine and other areas of the university curriculum, organised by the UQ Ally network and Workplace Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Queensland, Brisbane. 19 September 2019.
  • Politics in the Pub: The Fight for Intersex Human Rights, a presentation with Rainbow Labor NSW, at Knox Street Bar, Chippendale, Sydney. 5 September 2019. Event details
  • Panel on Making Rights Real: LGBTIQ People and Communities at the National Community Legal Centres Conference 2019, with Lee Carnie, Matilda Alexander and Alastair Lawrie. Brisbane, Queensland. 27 August 2019.
  • Presentation with Pidgeon Pagonis for Norton Rose Fulbright, Sydney, Australia. 15 August 2019.
  • Presentation for the University of New South Wales Ally program Lunch and Learn series. 1 August 2019.
  • Presentation on Australian inquiries into intersex rights and the possibilities for reform, at the Interdisciplinary perspectives on intersex conference. University of Lincoln, UK. 17-19 July 2019. Conference details
  • Seminar on Caster Semenya and the search for the “true sex” of people born with intersex variations, at Sydney Health Ethics, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. 16 May 2019.
  • Seminar on Medical and legal contradictions on the meaning and needs of intersex people, the Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales. 2 April 2019. Seminar details, watch
  • Mini panel presentation on Intersex/variations of sex characteristics community advocacy, policy and legal reform in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand with Mani Bruce Mitchell and Taine Polkinghorne, at ILGA World conference, Wellington, New Zealand. 22 March 2019.
  • Presentation and workshop on Depathologization Now! with Mauro Cabral Grinspan, at ILGA World conference, Wellington, New Zealand. 20 March 2019.
  • Plenary speech on Intersex: a collective history, at the Better Together conference. UTS, New South Wales. 11 January 2019. Schedule

Events in 2018

  • Presentation on the right to bodily and mental integrity as part of a session on the Yogyakarta Principles plus 10: Articulating Intersex Issues in the Language of International Human Rights Law, session at WPATH 2018 with Sheherezade Kara, Eleonora Lam and Mauro Cabral Grinspan. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5 November 2018.
  • Presentation on Promoting diversity and inclusion, a business introduction to intersex for SAP. Sydney, New South Wales. 26 October 2018.
  • Presentation for Intersex Awareness Day for Thomson Reuters Legal Australia. Sydney, New South Wales. 23 October 2018.
  • Guest/keynote speaker, Swinburne Pride 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria. 17 October 2018. More details
  • Co-organiser, Intersex Awareness Day party meetings at the Australian Parliament House. Canberra, ACT. 16 October 2018.
  • Opening plenary speaker and workshop presenter at the Australian Ally Conference 2018: “Activating Human Rights: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status – Leading the Change”. Curtin University, Western Australia. 27-28 September 2018. Conference details
  • Presentation on Intersex: Contested bodies, contested identities, at the Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law (AABHL) conference. Rydges Townsville, Queensland. 23 September 2018. Presentation details, conference details
  • Presentation on Social change and interventions for intersex variations (“DSDs”) with Bonnie Hart, at the 10th National Paediatric Bioethics Conference, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Victoria. 5-7 September 2018.
  • Panelist on Intersex-inclusive Development and Advocacy on LGBTI Human Rights and Inclusive Development at Leaving No One Behind: the Equal Rights Coalition Global Conference on LGBTI Human Rights and Inclusive Development. Vancouver, Canada. 5-7 August 2018. Conference details
  • Workshop on the Yogyakarta Principles plus 10, and presentation on The medical ‘normalisation’ of intersex bodies and the ‘othering’ of intersex identities at the Intersex Social Science: Activism, Human Rights, and Citizenship conference. University of Bologna, Italy. 4-5 June 2018. Conference details
  • Speaker at Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status Research: Data Collection, Analysis, Social and Policy Engagement, organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the United Nations Development Program. Hong Kong. 9-10 May 2018. Conference details
  • Joint lead in a panel presentation by 12 intersex persons, with Bonnie Hart (co-lead), Elise Nyhuis, Derek Tys, Peter Low, Cody Smith, Kelly O’Shea, Paul Byrne-Moroney, Steph Lum, Georgie Yovanovic, Candice Cody and Mani Mitchell; presentation on Progress or prevarication: intersex health and rights in Australia, at the Health in Difference conference. Redfern, Sydney. 11-13 April 2018. Conference details
  • LGBTI human rights lecture: From pink triangles to social acceptance? Reflections on human rights and the journey still to come. Presented by ACON and Sydney Health Ethics, with Dr Astrid Ley, Justice Michael Kirby and Professor Jenni Millbank. Eternity Playhouse, Darlinghurst, New South Wales. 13 March 2018. Details
  • Presentation to the Religious Freedoms Review expert panel. Sydney, New South Wales. 9 March 2018.
  • Opening plenary panel discussion at the Better Together conference, with Daniel Witthaus, Esther Montgomery, Misty Farquhar and Grant Maynard; chair of a panel session on Intersex justice and equality with Paul Byrne-Moroney, Cody Smith, Steph Lum and Elise Nyhuis. Melbourne Town Hall, Victoria. 12 January 2018.

Events in 2017

  • Progress or prevarication: the normalisation of intersex bodies and the othering of intersex identities in Australia, University of Technology. Sydney, New South Wales. 26 October 2017. Details
  • Joint panel presentation to the Parliamentary Friends of LGBTIQ People: Intersex is not invisible, Australian Parliament. Canberra, ACT. 19 October 2017. Details
  • Intersex: between normalisation and othering, The Conversation, Sydney Health Ethics, University of Sydney School of Medicine. 3 August 2017.
  • Opening keynote presentation at Art(i)culations of Violence: Gender, sex, sexuality and the politics of injury and revivification. University of South Australia. 13-14 July 2017. Details.
  • Prenatal diagnosis and the elimination of intersex variations, at a joint seminar by the Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics (CAVE) and Sydney Health Ethics at the University of Sydney. Speakers also included Dr Tereza Hendl and Dr Sascha Callaghan (Sydney), Dr Wendy Rogers and Dr Kate Gleeson (Macquarie), and Dr Tamara Kayali Browne (Deakin). Macquarie University. Sydney, New South Wales. 9 June 2017. Details and on Facebook
  • Intersex – misconceptions and surgical interventions, at the First Annual LGBTI Legal & Regulatory Conference. Melbourne, Victoria. 25-26 May 2017. Details.
  • Australian Human Rights Commission RightsTalk: Creating Equality – The Role of Law in Protecting SOGII Rights, with Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow; Anna Brown, Director of Advocacy and Strategic Litigation, Human Right Law Centre; and Imam Nur Warsame, Founder of Marhaba, a social support group for LGBTIQ Muslims. Sydney, New South Wales. 22 February 2017. Text of speech and video of event, press statement by the Commission
  • Statement to the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, with Miriam van der Have (NNID/OII Europe), Dan Ghattas (IVIM/OII Europe), Betsy Driver (Bodies Like Ours) and Mauro Cabral (GATE/Justicia Intersex), in my role as a consultant to GATE. Geneva, Switzerland. 25 January 2017. More details and full text
  • Senate hearing on the Commonwealth Government’s exposure draft of the Marriage Amendment (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill. Canberra, ACT. 25 January 2017 (via teleconference). Full text available via Hansard.

Events in 2016

  • A webinar for the National LGBTI Health Alliance on Intersex human rights: addressing harmful practices and rhetoric of change. Online. 7 December 2016. More information or watch.
  • Intersex, thinking outside the box: intersex, identity, harmful practices and 20 years of activism. A talk for Intersex Awareness Day. University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales. 26 October 2016. Text published by the Intersex Day Project; short version published by Archer Magazine.
  • Intersex Human Rights: Why we need research supporting an affirmative model of care, collaborative panel presentation at the conference After the Recognition of Intersex Human Rights, with Holly Greenberry (iUK) Dr Tanya Ní Mhuirthile (Dublin City University), Kimberly Zieselman (interACT), Dr Georgiann Davis (UNLV), Kitty Anderson (OII Europe & Intersex Iceland), Miriam van der Have (OII Europe & Nederlands Netwerk Intersekse/DSD), and Daniela Truffer (Zwischengeschlecht). Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Surrey, England. September 2016. Conference details
  • Depathologisation, a cross-movement session at the 13th AWID International Forum. Salvador de Bahía, Brazil. September 2016.
  • UTS Law Society panel on Gender and sexual diversity, with David Bennett QC, Geoff Holland (UTS Law), Hilary Kincaid (Inner City Legal Centre) and Ruth Nocka (Corrs Chambers Westgarth). University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales. 23 August 2016.
  • AWID Forum webinar on Bridging Gaps: A Conversation between Disability, Intersex and Trans Activists, with Janet Price, Leigh Ann van der Merwe and Nidhi Goyal. Online. 17 August 2016. More information. Video available.
  • Challenges and Lived Realities, panel presentation at the Global LGBTI Human
    Rights Conference 2016: Non-Violence, Non-Discrimination and Social Inclusion
    . Montevideo, Uruguay. 13 July 2016.
  • The human rights of intersex people, 10 years after the Yogyakarta Principles and the Chicago ‘consensus’ statement, for Justicia Intersex and the Ministerio Público Tutelar of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 7 July 2016. Video interview available
  • Intersex issues in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), presentation at WPATH, in collaboration with Mauro Cabral (GATE/Justicia Intersex) and Miriam van der Have (NNID/OII Europe). Amsterdam, Netherlands. 21 June 2016.
  • Macquarie University Law Society Social Justice Speaker Night focusing on “LGBTQI+ and the Law. Speakers include Jenny Leong (Greens MP for Newtown), Michael Kearney SC, Morgan Carpenter (OII Australia) and Kate Gleeson (Macquarie University), and chaired by Jon Papadopoulo. Sydney, New South Wales. 27 April 2016.
  • Sydney Ideas: The Silent Tears Project at the University of Sydney. Morgan spoke about identity and medicine, appearing on a panel with Susan Salthouse (Member of the COAG Advisory Panel to reduce violence against women), Megan Mitchell (National Children’s Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission), Associate Professor Kirsty Foster (Associate Dean, Sydney Medical School), and participants in the Silent Tears Project. The event was co-presented with the Centre for Disability Research and Policy at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Sydney, New South Wales. 6 April 2016. Audio available – Morgan’s presentation begins at around 53 minutes in.
  • Late Night Library: Queerstories; a personal story, presented by Blackcat Productions, also including Rebecca Shaw, Colleen Windsor, Dr Emma A Jane (UNSW) and Candy Royalle. Kings Cross, Sydney, New South Wales. 2 March 2016.
  • International dialogue on culture/tradition and its intersection with gender and sexuality, Middle East and North Africa, co-organised by ARC International and MantiQitna Network. Istanbul, Turkey. 20-22 February 2016. This was a Joint presentation with Mauro Cabral (GATE/Justicia Intersex) and Hiker Chiu (Oii-Chinese).
  • Arcus Forum: Invisible No More, a panel on the international intersex human rights movement, presented at the conference Creating Change in Chicago, USA. Morgan spoke alongside Natasha Jímenez (Costa Rica), Julius Kaggwa (Uganda), Hiker Chiu (Taiwan), Silvan Agius (Malta) and Kimberly Zieselmen (US). Chicago, Illinois, USA. 22 January 2016. Video available.
UN expert meeting: intersex participants with Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

UN expert meeting: intersex participants with Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and community members

Events in 2015

  • Plenary panel presentation on Crossing new frontiers of rights recognition at the OutSummit Conference held by OutRight Action International with Monica Tabengwa (PAI, Botswana/South Africa), Mauro Cabral (GATE/Justicia Intersex, Argentina), Evelyn Schlatter (Southern Poverty Law Center, US), and Masha Gessen (journalist, Russia/US). The session was moderated by Jessica Stern of OutRight International. CUNY Law School, New York, USA. 12 December 2015.
  • Presentation, meetings and discussion on Intersex issues in sport with Dainius Puras, UN Special Rapporteur on health, and representatives of the International Olympic Committee, researchers and experts. Geneva, Switzerland, 30 November – 1 December 2015. The report, A/HRC/32/33, was published on 4 April 2016.
  • Intersex Awareness Day presentation on Intersex bodies and the society that shapes them. University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). 26 October 2015.
  • Intersex expert meeting on ending human rights violations against intersex persons opened by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and UN Human Rights Council with intersex human rights defenders from five continents, bioethicists, legal experts and medical experts. Geneva, September 2015. Press statement and opening remarks available.
  • Chaired a UN Human Rights Council side event on Intersex human rights, with intersex human rights defenders from five continents: Julius Kaggwa (SIPD Uganda), Dan Christian Ghattas (OII Europe), Hiker Chiu (Oii-Chinese) and Kimberly Zieselman (interACT US). Geneva, Switzerland, September 2015. Video available.
  • Joint workshop presentation on Beyond an Intersex 101: disorders, bodies and identities, with Bonnie Hart, president of the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia to the Health in Difference conference, 2015, National Convention Centre in Canberra, Australia, 15 August 2015.
  • Speaking tour of Italy, May 2015 including speeches at Università Degli Studi Di Verona (Centro di Ricerca Politesse Politiche e Teorie Della Sessualità, Verona); Università Degli Studi Firenze (Florence); Comitato Unico di Garanzia, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Careggi (Florence); an IDAHOT event organised by Piemonte Region; a meeting at Casa Arcobaleno organised by Coordinamento Torino Pride LGBT (Turin); and also a presentation with the cofounder of intersexioni and Certi Diritti hon. president Alessandro Comeni at the Casa del Popolo di Settignano, Tuscany, on Self-determination, physical integrity, freedom of choice for people with intersex traits. The tour was made possible thanks to the Marie Curie Actions research project “intersexions” by Dr Michela Balocchi (Marie Curie research fellow and cofounder of intersexioni).
  • Moderation of presentations on Intersex health and human rights to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2015, in partnership with OII Europe, GATE and The Committee subsequently made recommendations to Germany that included protecting the integrity of intersex persons.
  • Intersex and ageing, LGBTI ageing round table, Sydney, Australia, 3 February 2015. Full text available. Also published in Spanish as Intersexualidad y envejecimiento by Laura Inter at Brújula Intersexual.

Events in 2014

  • Employers and people with intersex variations, presentation to the national Pride in Diversity annual conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2014.
  • Presentations and workshop at civil society and non-state donor conference to Advance the human rights of and promote the inclusive development for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (and intersex) persons, Washington DC, USA, November 2014. Read the civil society statement from this event.
  • Speech at the Wheeler Centre on Intersex Bodies and the Society That Shapes Them, Melbourne, Australia, November 2014. Full text available.
  • Presentation on Intersex Human Rights and Health: Lessons from Australia to the ILGA 2014 World Conference, in Mexico City, October 2014.
  • Speech at The Mental Health Services Conference on Diversity & power in mental health services, Intersex: intersectionality, epistemic injustice and structural violence, Perth, Australia, 28 August 2014. Full text available. Also published in Spanish as Intersexualidad: Interseccionalidad, violencia epistémica y estructura by Laura Inter at Brújula Intersexual.
  • Presentation on “Intersex activism, achievements and challenges”, at the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia annual conference, Sydney, Australia, 10 August 2014.
  • Presentations and workshop at LGBTI Human Rights in the Commonwealth conference, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2014. Full text and video available.
  • Intersex people and mental health, speech to the Courageous Voices LGBTI Mental Health Conference, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
  • Speaking via specially prerecorded video to the first ever UN Human Rights Council side event on intersex, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2014.
  • Panel discussion on A queer thing happened on the way to the newsroom, a Walkley Media Talk at the NSW State Library, Sydney, Australia, February 2014. This talk covered health and human rights issues.

Events in 2013

Events in 2012